Suspendisse euismod nunc et tortor lacinia, ac egestas dui laoreet. Proin interdum diam nec lobortis pulvinar. Cras egestas, tellus sed ultrices scelerisque, neque orci sodales nisi, eu laoreet quam tellus eu tortor. Praesent ultrices imperdiet tellus sit amet dapibus. Quisque nibh arcu, vehicula eleifend metus ut, imperdiet imperdiet mi. Maecenas sed egestas ligula, a viverra sem. Pellentesque turpis quam, imperdiet quis risus et, sollicitudin mattis tellus. Aenean tristique id arcu quis mattis. Sed sit amet nunc ipsum.

Curabitur sit amet quam a odio tincidunt tincidunt. Cras fringilla fringilla tempus. Cras viverra justo erat, sed pellentesque tellus egestas ac. Pellentesque vel congue ligula. Nullam sit amet mollis tellus. Mauris pretium efficitur finibus. Nulla facilisi.

Integer ac augue eu ligula volutpat tincidunt. Aliquam fermentum felis ut dignissim mattis. Vivamus molestie convallis accumsan.


All our physicians have completed the Western Australian Inter-hospital Gastroenterology Program that is fully accredited by the Royal Australian

College of Physicians (FRACP) and the Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC). They have then ventured overseas for further subspeciality training.

Dr Nick Kontorinis (MBBS, FRACP)

Consultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist


Procedures: Endoscopy, colonoscopy


Dr Kontorinis graduated from the University of Western Australia (UWA) and completed his medical and gastroenterological training in Perth. He then did fellowships at Mt Sinai Hospital in New York in the fields of Hepatology and Liver Transplantation from 2002 to 2005.


He is appointed at the Royal Perth, St John of God Subiaco and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospitals in the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and the WA Liver Transplantation Service. He was Head of Department and Director of Physician Education at RPH. He is a visiting Specialist at Northam Regional Hospital. He is actively involved in clinical research, medical student and post graduate training and regularly participates in national and international meetings.


Dr Kontorinis aims to provide a comprehensive Gastroenterological Service with an emphasis on Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy as well as Liver Diseases.

Dr Kannan Venugopal (MBBS, FRACP)

Consultant Gastroenterologist


Procedures: Endoscopy, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy


Dr Kannan Venugopal is a Perth trained gastroenterologist who has undertaken specialised Inflammatory Bowel Disease fellowships in Perth and in Edinburgh, Scotland.


Dr Venugopal offers a friendly, caring and timely service with careful attention to follow up and ongoing clinical management. Urgent cases are seen within 1-2 weeks. His special expertise is in the management of complex Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease and Microscopic colitis ) where a multi disciplinary model of care is emphasised and practiced. Endoscopic procedures undertaken at private hospitals are “Gap Free”. I offer Capsule Endoscopic procedures at both Nedlands and Subiaco


He has rooms which are conveniently and centrally located at Nedlands and Subiaco and offer comprehensive gastroenterology and liver care services. Rapid access endoscopic services and timely follow up are offered to all privately insured patients. His public hospital appointment is at Royal Perth Hospital, where he leads the Inflammatory Bowel Disease service.

Dr Michael Wallace (MBBS, FRACP)

Consultant Gastroenetrologist & Hepatologist


Procedures: Endoscopy, Colonoscopy


Dr Michael Wallace is a consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist. He graduated from the University of Western Australia in Perth and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. He completed a Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City where his research areas included hepatocellular carcinoma and the treatment of liver fibrosis. He is enrolled in a PhD program part-time at the University of Western Australia where his main research areas include describing the growing incidence of hepatocellular cancer in Western Australia and using PET scans to predict outcomes for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.


Dr Wallace has a broad interest in the management of all liver diseases with a particular focus on the management of hepatocellular carcinoma and other liver cancers, liver transplantation, fatty liver disease and autoimmune liver disease.


Dr Wallace is accredited to perform gastroscopy and colonoscopy by the Conjoint Committee for the Recognition of Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (CCRTRE) and receives referrals for direct access endoscopy including for colorectal cancer screening.